Yes, I have OCD tendencies.
Because sometimes, once I get an idea in my head, I just can't let go of it until I actually do it. It's like an itch that needs to be scratched. And this is how I ended sewing the children's underwear.
Yup, underwear. Now, I can see how this would seem a tad ridiculous. After all, children undies aren't that expensive. And sewing their underwear means I have to take on sewing knits, which I thought I'd never do just because it is harder than sewing woven cottons. But like I said, it became an itch that wouldn't go away.
I decided to make Noah a couple of new pairs when I noticed that he had been wearing the same few pairs of Thomas the train undies. (I also have to add here that Noah was pretty easy to toilet train - I guess it helps to wait until they are really quite big. I only started with him just before his third birthday.) Since I had signed up for
Elsie Marley's Kids Clothes Week Challenge, I decided that this would fit the bill. And since I'm making up some for Noah, might as well go ahead and sew up some for Josh and Emma too. Production line sewing makes more sense, right?
Except that I underestimated how long it would take to cut up the pattern pieces. I started at 11pm, thinking that I'd take probably just a little more than an hour (an hour of sewing a day was the requirement).
Umm, wrong. I am clearly not as good as wielding a pair of scissors and a rotary cutter as I though. And those leg band and waistband pieces got my head all muddled up. I only finished at 1.45am.
But here they are, ready to be sewn up. 3 pairs for Noah, 2 pairs each for Emma and Josh.

Children undies pattern from
hereDay 1 done!