Sunday, June 5, 2011


This is how you know that sewing has morphed from being a nice, harmless hobby into an all-consuming obsession.

1. I dream that I am in sewing class, actually working at the sewing machine. And when I wake up and realise that it was just a dream, I actually feel disappointed.

2.I tell my husband that I need to make a trip down to Chinatown to get a couple of small things: a concealed zip, a concealed zip foot, and some interfacing. An hour later, I leave Chinatown $70 poorer, with THREE different fabrics (two to three yards each), an extra seam ripper (can't have too many of those, right?) and a handful of wooden buttons (which were too cute to pass up). Do I know what I am going to do with all this fabric and buttons yet? No. But I have a few ideas and an extra seam ripper if things don't turn out well.

3. About a week later, I am lying in bed with a migraine - the kind that produces a fog of pain. My husband and helper have to handle the four kids. But I cannot fall asleep because my brain won't stop thinking about how to attach a facing onto the yoke of a skirt that I have half done. Pathetic.

Postscript. I am learning some basic patternmaking and am enjoying it a lot. It's complicated some times - so many numbers! - but when I've finished drafting a basic bodice, it feels oh so satisfying. As a result of this course though, I have had no time to work on any kids' outfits.

Drafting the front neckline of my bodice - I took a picture to help me remember how to place the French curve.

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